Wine & Mushroom Fest (by Margaret Carpenter)
Saturday AM, April 26 -- Online ticket sales are closed, but don't worry - you can still join the fun! Tickets are available at the door.
One of the good things in life is that some things never change. The always-fantastic Wine and Mushroom event is the highlight of our culinary activities. Jeff Emery of Santa Cruz Mountain Winery brings together up to 6 exceptional Santa Cruz area wineries that share their great wines with us. Wineries as of 4/18/14: Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard, Muns Vineyard, River Run, Ahlgren, Sones Cellars
In a nutshell:
This is the potluck event against which we measure all others - it's amazing!
We, the Fungus Federation members, provide the array appetizers and desserts.
Wineries pour their best, and you can easily take your favorites home.
Plan to enjoy an extraordinary evening!
Wine & Mushroom Fest -- Save the Date
We have a date for this year's Wine & Mushroom Fest:
Saturday, April 26th, 6 pm
All the fun facts will follow shortly. Mark your calendars and check back here so you don't miss out!