

General Meetings

FFSC gathers monthly from September through May. We welcome the general public to our meetings, which include presentations by knowledgeable mycologists, informal mushroom identification and great refreshments. Meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of the month, 7 PM.

Ministers' Meetings

Ministers??? To be sure, but in a political rather than a religious sense. Think Minister of the Exchequer, or Prime Minister. We have both, and many more, on our Board of Directors. The group meets monthly from September through May at 7 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month to discuss current and future issues and to plan activities. There is usually food and wine involved somewhere along the line. See Calendar events for locations and contact information. Members are invited to come, see what we do and join in the process.

Feel free to subscribe to the FFSC meetings calendar via Google Calendar, iCal, or Outlook by clicking a button below.



Upcoming Meetings

Potluck Ministers' Meetings Open to All! Tuesday April 8 and Tuesday May 13th (by )

? WHEN: 04/08/2025, 6-9 pm
? WHERE: Live Oak Gange
Italian woman holding large mushroom


The Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz is a nonprofit mycology organization headquartered in Santa Cruz, California. Our leadership group is known as the Ministers. So, think parliamentary offices (Prime Minister, Exchequer, Membership, etc.), rather than a faith-based ministry model. We hold monthly organizational meetings known as Ministers' Meetings. While these have always been open to the membership, locations have been variable amongst homes and/or with Zoom access. 

To provide more transparency, encourage participation, and "Keep the Fun in Fungus", we are trying out a new model. Our April and May meetings will be potluck meetings at the Live Oak Grange in Santa Cruz, open to dues-paying FFSC members. They'll be held on Tuesday, April 8th and Tuesday, May 13th from 6 to 9 pm. Yes, it's a  Tuesday! We are planning a zero-waste potluck event from 6 to 9 pm. Come join us for the evening! You'll have a great meal, get advance notice of upcoming events,  make and deepen friendships, and get an understanding of how the club is run.

For an extra bit of fun, we're putting on a drawing of free mushroomy fun stuff. Everyone needs more fungal knick-knaks, no?
