
There are many facets to the FFSC, with something to interest everyone. Perhaps you’ve gone out on your first foray with a friend, came back with a basket of exquisite mushrooms, and now you’ve caught the myco-bug! Where do you go from there?


All upcoming FFSC events except the meetings can be viewed below. Use a pager at the bottom of the events list to navigate between the pages. To view all FFSC events, go to the All Events page. To find out about the upcoming meetings, visit the Meetings page. To view or subscribe to the FFSC calendars, navigate to the Calendar page.

Upcoming Events

Potluck Ministers' Meetings Open to All! Tuesday April 8 and Tuesday May 13th (by )

? WHEN: 04/08/2025, 6-9 pm
? WHERE: Live Oak Gange
Italian woman holding large mushroom


The Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz is a nonprofit mycology organization headquartered in Santa Cruz, California. Our leadership group is known as the Ministers. So, think parliamentary offices (Prime Minister, Exchequer, Membership, etc.), rather than a faith-based ministry model. We hold monthly organizational meetings known as Ministers' Meetings. While these have always been open to the membership, locations have been variable amongst homes and/or with Zoom access. 

To provide more transparency, encourage participation, and "Keep the Fun in Fungus", we are trying out a new model. Our April and May meetings will be potluck meetings at the Live Oak Grange in Santa Cruz, open to dues-paying FFSC members. They'll be held on Tuesday, April 8th and Tuesday, May 13th from 6 to 9 pm. Yes, it's a  Tuesday! We are planning a zero-waste potluck event from 6 to 9 pm. Come join us for the evening! You'll have a great meal, get advance notice of upcoming events,  make and deepen friendships, and get an understanding of how the club is run.

For an extra bit of fun, we're putting on a drawing of free mushroomy fun stuff. Everyone needs more fungal knick-knaks, no?

2025 Wine & Mushroom Fest (by )

? WHEN: 04/12/2025, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
? WHERE: Scott Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Our matchless co-op event with several Santa Cruz Mountain appellation wineries will again take place at the Scotts Valley Community Center. Big thanks to Culinary Minister Bob Wynn and Jeff Emery of Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard/Quinta Cruz for making the arrangements. The mushrooming crowd brings appetizers, finger food and desserts, mostly containing mushrooms...
