Henry Cowell Habitat Walk (by )
A great group of people attended the Henry Cowell Habitat Walk this last Saturday. These hearty mushroom enthusiasts were greeted with early rain, muddy conditions… and TONS of mushrooms popping up all over! Some of the highlights were beautiful clumps of Oysters, fresh Lion's Mane, Dyer’s Polypore, carpets of Mycenas, an impressive troop of Jack O’Lanterns, and ominously glowing Death Caps. Below is a partial list of species found; there were various Agaricus, possible Agrocybes, and LBM’s that weren't included (among others).
Take a look at the diversity of what we found by clicking on the link:
To view upcoming foray events visit our website foray page:http://ffsc.us/node/399
Here is the Species LIst:
1. Agaricus benesii (red staining Agaricus group)
2. Agaricus xanthodermus (phenol smelling Agaricus group)
3. Amanita phalloides
4. Amanita vaginata (group - Grisettes)
5. Annulohypoxylon thouarsianum
6. Aricularia aricula
7. Astraeus hygrometricus
8. Coprinus sterquilinus
9. Cortinarius sp.
10. Ganoderma applanatum (group)
11. Gomphidius oregonensis
12. Gymnopus dryophilus
13. Gymnopus quercophilus
14. Herecium coralloides
15. Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca
16. Hypholoma fasciculare
17. Lactarius rubrilacteus
18. Lycoperdon perlatum
19. Marasmius calhouniae
20. Mycena capillaripes
21. Mycena haematopus
22. Mycena pura
23. Omphalotus olivascens
24. Phaeolus schwenitzi
25. Phyllotoposis nidulans
26. Pleurotus ostreatus
27. Pluteus cervinus
28. Ramaria sp.
29. Russula brevipes
30. Russula cerolens
31. Russula silvicola (group)
32. Stereum hirsutum
33. Suillus cearulesencse
34. Suillus fusctotementosus
35. Trametes versicolor
36. Tremella aleuria
37. Xerocomellus zelleri
38. Xerocomellus chrysenteron (and/or Xerocomellus truncates)
39. Xylaria hypoxylon