All Forays

2025 Albion II Foray - January (by )

? WHEN: 17-20, January 2025
? WHERE: Albion Field Station, Albion Field Station, 34100 Albion Street Albion, CA 95410

Join us for the both Saturday foray and our fabulous Saturday night potluck. You must be a FFSC member for you and your family to attend.  

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is located just one mile from the seashore, eight miles south of Mendocino, and 28 miles from a state forest, and 60 miles from Salt Point in the valley of an old lumber camp on the Albion River, it has welcomed students and visitors with its rustic charm since 1947. The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is owned and operated by Pacific Union College. All guests have access to the cafeteria, kitchen, laboratory and classroom.  The Mendocino Coast is a bountiful haven for fungal species in any season. The Albion foray focuses on a wide range of fungi, with edibles including boletes, chanterelles, candy caps, matsutake and hedgehogs. 

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center features heated private cabins with private baths and a large dining hall with a commercial kitchen which is available to all our guests. The center serves as our hub and we utilize the kitchen for meals and our famous Saturday night potluck. Additional information regarding the Albion Retreat and Learning Center can be found at

Local Foray (by )

? WHEN: 12/07/2024, 9 am - 12 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz

With the recent rains our local season has finally kicked off so let's get together to survey our local fields and forests! We will be meeting in the Santa Cruz area. The exact location and more instructions will be sent out to participants a couple of days before the foray. This walk will concentrate on enjoying and learning a bit about some of our local mushrooms. We will do our best to identify our fungal finds, answer questions, and share knowledge...

2024 Albion I Foray - December (by )

? WHEN: 06-08, December 2024
? WHERE: Albion Field Station, Albion Field Station, 34100 Albion Street Albion, CA 95410

You must be a FFSC member for you and your guests to attend.  Masks are recommended in the buildings.

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is located just one mile from the seashore, eight miles south of Mendocino, and 28 miles from a state forest, and 60 miles from Salt Point in the valley of an old lumber camp on the Albion River, it has welcomed students and visitors with its rustic charm since 1947. The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is owned and operated by Pacific Union College. All guests have access to the cafeteria, kitchen, laboratory and classroom.  The Mendocino Coast is a bountiful haven for fungal species in any season. The Albion foray focuses on a wide range of fungi, with edibles including boletes, chanterelles, candy caps, matsutake and hedgehogs. 

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center features heated private cabins with private baths and a lovely dining hall with a commercial kitchen. The center serves as our foray base and we utilize the kitchen for meals and our famous Saturday night potluck. Additional information regarding the Albion Retreat and Learning Center can be found at

Local Foray-event full (by )

? WHEN: 03/03/2024, 9 am - 12 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz

We have had quite a bit more rain, so let's get together to survey our local fields and forests! We will be meeting in the Santa Cruz area. The exact location and more instructions will be sent out to participants a couple of days before the foray. This walk will concentrate on enjoying and learning a bit about some of our local mushrooms. We will do our best to identify our fungal finds, answer questions, and share knowledge...

Local Foray in Santa Cruz (by )

? WHEN: 12/02/2023, 9 am - 12 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz
pink coral mushroom

Well, we have had a bit more rain, so let's get together to survey our local fields and forests. We will be meeting in the Santa Cruz area. The exact location and more instructions will be sent out to participants a couple of days before the foray. This will be a habitat walk, concentrating on learning about some of the local trees and the best places to look for different species as the season progresses...

2023 Albion I Foray - December (by )

? WHEN: 01-03, December 2023
? WHERE: Albion Field Station, Albion Field Station, 34100 Albion Street Albion, CA 95410

You must be a FFSC member for you and your guests to attend.  Masks are recommended in the buildings.

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is located just one mile from the seashore, eight miles south of Mendocino, and 28 miles from a state forest, and 60 miles from Salt Point in the valley of an old lumber camp on the Albion River, it has welcomed students and visitors with its rustic charm since 1947. The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is owned and operated by Pacific Union College. All guests have access to the cafeteria, kitchen, laboratory and classroom.  The Mendocino Coast is a bountiful haven for fungal species in any season. The Albion foray focuses on a wide range of fungi, with edibles including boletes, chanterelles, candy caps, matsutake and hedgehogs. 

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center features heated private cabins with private baths and a lovely dining hall with a commercial kitchen. The center serves as our foray base and we utilize the kitchen for meals and our famous Saturday night potluck. Additional information regarding the Albion Retreat and Learning Center can be found at

Bill White Memorial Alaska Foray (by )

? WHEN: 26-02, September 2023
? WHERE: Sterling, Alaska

Bill White Memorial Alaska Foray
August 26 – September 2, 2023

For many years, Bill and Jerri White have hosted the FFSC at their lodge on the Kenai River in Alaska. We have enjoyed beautiful scenery, wildlife, fresh seafood and mushrooms! Edibles often found include Boletes, Gypsies, Hedgehogs, Lactarius deliciosus, and Alaska Gold, Phaeolepiota aurea. Fungal diversity can be astonishing, with some forays yielding over 200 species. Read about our 2017 foray adventures. We are so very sad to report that Bill White Sr. has passed on. His son and partner in the lodge, Bill Jr., is welcoming the FFSC back for a farewell foray. A number of spaces have been previously reserved by those who attended Bill’s memorial. Six spaces are still available to current dues-paying FFSC members. The window for reservations will close on April 15th and the foray will fill quickly! See below for reservation details.

