Local Foray (by )
With the recent rains our local season has finally kicked off so let's get together to survey our local fields and forests! We will be meeting in the Santa Cruz area. The exact location and more instructions will be sent out to participants a couple of days before the foray. This walk will concentrate on enjoying and learning a bit about some of our local mushrooms. We will do our best to identify our fungal finds, answer questions, and share knowledge. Depending on the location chosen, there may be some collection allowed, but the main goal will be education.
To help the club defray some of our costs such as insurance, speaker fees, facility rental, etc, there will be a modest fee to come on the foray.
The price will be $10 for the general public, $5 for students or FFSC members, and free for children under 12. FFSC members wishing to attend should log in to their account and read the "Members-only information" for instructions on signing up.Registration will open for FFSC members at 7:00 pm, Friday November 29 .
Registration will be open to the general public on Saturday November 30 at 7:00 pm, if space is still available.
Buy Tickets/Join Waitlist after the registration opens for your group.
Experienced members are encouraged to come and share their knowledge with newer fungifiles.
The number of attendees will be limited, so sign up soon. But please don't sign up if you do not plan to attend, and no large groups.
Please contact me if you have any questions, or have trouble accessing the sign-up form.
Daniel Tischler
Local Forays Minister