All Forays

North to Alaska Foray 2016 (by Bill White)

? WHEN: 27-03, September 2016
? WHERE: Sterling, Alaska

Join Bill and Jerri White at their Alaska Sports Lodge for the highly popular Alaska Foray. The dates this year are August 27 – September 3. 

Alaska Bolete by Bradley Dunbaugh Why?

Beautiful scenery, wildlife, fresh seafood and mushrooms! Edibles often found include Boletes, Gypsies, Hedgehogs, Lactarius deliciosus, and Alaska Gold, Phaeolepiota aurea. Fungal diversity can be astonishing, with some forays yielding over 200 species.

Read about our 2015 foray adventures.

Spring Foray 2016

? WHEN: 29-01, May 2016
? WHERE: Eldorado National Forest, CA
Eldorado National Forest

Every year as the snows melt and the ground warms, some very delicious mushrooms coax their way up through the ground.  One of those is the coveted morel, others include  Spring King boletes, and often Coccoras.  This year's weather and snow pack has every indication that we will have a very successful foray.  Current FFSC members who are logged in on the website can get the location and date in the Members-only information  to follow. You won't see it if you aren't logged in! Click Read More below.


Quail Hollow Ranch Local Foray (by )

? WHEN: 03/12/2016, 10 am - 1 pm
? WHERE: Quail Hollow Ranch County Park

All are subject to cancellation/possible location change

SIGN UP/Confirmation is REQUIRED

Amanitas, Boletes, Chroogomphus, Suillus, Trametes and Tremella have all been found here, just to name a few. While there is no guarantee as to how the low levels of rain fall will affect the kinds of fungi we find this year, it promises to be a beautiful hike through varying types of terrain: Shady Oak groves, grassy fields, Manzanita thickets, and Pine trees. Further within the park, one will find winding Redwood paths and sandstone wall formations that are part of the Sandhill habitat that lies between Ben Lomond and Scotts Valley.  The trails vary in difficulty; very flat and easy to somewhat Quail Hollow Foraymoderate.

Quail Hollow has given us permission to pick within the park but we cannot take anything we pick outside of the park.  Parking at the Ranch is very limited so car pooling is recommended, as there is no street parking. Through the efforts of previous forays, the FFSC has created a good relationship with park leaders, and we ask that you please respect their requests. 

