All Events

General Meeting, October 16: Sydney Glassman

? WHEN: 10/16/2013, 7-9 pm
? WHERE: 191 Harvey West Blvd., Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
Sydney Glassman

Sydney Glassman is interested in the interactions between aboveground and belowground terrestrial communities, in particular the effects of mycorrhizal symbioses on plant community composition and function. She is also interested in understanding broad patterns of fungal and microbial diversity and the role of dispersal in shaping ectomycorrhizal communities...

Mushroom ID Class 1 of 4

? WHEN: 10/02/2013, 7-9 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 1305 East Cliff Dr., Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Philip Carpenter

CLASS SERIES FULL — check for another series in the spring! It is time to start lining up the attendees for the next session of 4 mushroom identification classes. They will be held on the first and fourth Wednesday, October 2, 23, November 6 and November 26 (changed to Tuesday due to proximity to Thanksgiving)...

Marshall Fields Habitat Foray

? WHEN: 09/28/2013, 9 am - 12 pm
? WHERE: Marshall Fields

FFSC Local Foray There will be a Habitat Walk hosted by the FFSC on Saturday 9/28 at 9:00 am, at the Marshall Fields area of the UCSC campus located off of Empire Grade Road.  This walk will have an emphasis on mushroom ecology, as well as tree identification and their associations with some of our most beloved local mushrooms.  This will be a great opportunity to learn how to recognize the places where you can likely find mushrooms when the season is upon us.

First Meeting of the Season - Christian Schwarz: Amateurs At the Fore

? WHEN: 09/18/2013, 7-9 pm
? WHERE: Harvey West Scout House, 191 Harvey West Blvd. Santa Cruz 95060
Tricholoma flavovirens

Come down for the first meeting of the new season! FFSC's own Christian Schwarz will explore the unique role of the FFSC and its members in assembling the North American Mycoflora Project. The gathering begins at 7:00pm with refreshments and an informal mushroom ID session...

Pipi Valley campground, Eldorado CA

? WHEN: 03-05, May 2013
? WHERE: Pipi Valley campground, Eldorado, CA
Pi-Pi Valley


This camping foray takes place in the Sierras at the PiPi Valley campground off Highway 88, between Jackson and Kirkwood. It traditionally takes place on the first weekend of May, or as soon as the snow has melted. For this reason the date is somewhat flexible, so stay tuned for updates. We usually find either morels, Spring King boletes, or both, and often coccoras. The campground is gorgeous with the Consumes River running through it...

General Meeting with Noah Siegel

? WHEN: 03/20/2013, 7-9 pm
? WHERE: Harvey West Scout House, 191 Harvey West Blvd., Santa Cruz
Noah Siegel

Noah Siegel's field mycology skills are extensive – he has spent over two decades seeking, photographing, identifying and furthering his knowledge about all aspects of macrofungi. He has hunted for mushrooms throughout the United States and Canada, as well as on multiple expeditions to New Zealand and Australia. He is one of the premier mushroom photographers in the nation, having won numerous awards from the North American Mycological Association (NAMA) photography contest...

Mushroom Dye Workshop

? WHEN: 03/16/2013, 11 am - 3 pm
? WHERE: Tannery Arts Center, 1050 River Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Alissa Allen

Many wild mushrooms contain permanent, intensely colored dyes. Join us Saturday, March 16th for a hands-on Mushroom Dye Workshop taught by Alissa Allen. 

Cost: $20 dues-paying FFSC members, $45 public (price includes an optional annual membership to the FFSC!)
In this 4 hour class, you will learn the simple steps for extracting and harnessing the color rich pigments found in local mushrooms...

Wine & Mushroom Fest

? WHEN: 03/02/2013, 6-10 pm
? WHERE: Scott Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Our matchless co-op event with several Santa Cruz Mountain appellation wineries will again take place at the Scotts Valley Community Center. The mushrooming crowd brings appetizers, finger food and desserts, mostly containing mushrooms. The winemakers bring their best, and we all benefit!

- Members $15 advance, $20 at door
- Guests $20 advance, $25 at door

Admission includes a commemorative FFSC wineglass plate to take home...

General Meeting with Walt Sturgeon

? WHEN: 02/20/2013, 7-9 pm
? WHERE: Harvey West Scout House, 191 Harvey West Blvd., Santa Cruz
Walt Sturgeon

Walt Sturgeon presents: Just For the Smell of It, Mushroom Common Scents, a non-technical look at wild mushrooms from an olfactory perspective. His talk will include:

  1. Using scents to clinch an identification;
  2. How to properly check for a mushroom’s odor;
  3. Sniffing subjectivity and the power of suggestion, and;
  4. Scent and memory...

