All Classes

2018 Mycopigments: Exploring Mushroom Dyes of the Redwood Coast with Alissa Allen (by )

? WHEN: 04/21/2018, 10 am - 4 pm
? WHERE: Boulder Creek Community Center, 13333 Middleton Ave., Boulder Creek, CA
A rainbow of mushroom-dyed yarn

Join the Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz and Mycopigments for a day exploring the full spectrum of permanent color found in the mushrooms and lichens of Northern California. We will extract dye from 10 or more species of mushrooms and lichens, creating a palette of over 20 colors!

All supplies provided: You needn’t bring any supplies to class; wool samples and silk scarves will be provided. You will receive a complimentary silk scarf to practice a demonstrated dye resist technique.

Take home: In this class you will learn about mushroom safety, identification basics, and habitats. You will also learn about the importance of ethical harvest, especially pertaining to lichen dyes. At the end of the day you will take home a detailed recipe card, showcasing a rainbow of samples dyed in class; a beautiful hand dyed scarf; a procedural handout to guide your future exploration, and a customized guide to the best local dye fungi.

Morel Cultivation Workshop at UC Berkeley

? WHEN: 05-06, August 2016
? WHERE: UC Berkeley Campus
Morel mushrooms

Thought you had to go to the Sierras for morels, didn't you? Maybe not...

Dr. Mo Mei Chen will be hosting a workshop on morel mushroom cultivation at UC Berkeley on August 5 - 6, 2016. New techniques in the cultivation of morels will be taught, and participants will go home with culture for spawning. 

Details here

Map and Compass Workshop 2016 (by )

? WHEN: 04/03/2016, 10:00 am - 2:30 pm
? WHERE: TBD but will be in Santa Cruz County, most likely Quail Hollow

Map and Compass Workshop, April 3, 2016

With our attention on the ground, and the excitement of treasure hidden in the duff, it is easy for us mycophiles to become direction-disoriented (i.e.lost).  Then too, injury or weather can make return travel impossible. It has happened to a number of us and poses a threat to our safety.  This map and compass workshop is designed to help you use a map and compass to find your way. It is suitable for first-timers and for those looking to refresh their skills for the season.

This class will be limited to FFSC members at first. If it doesn't fill, the enrollment will be extended to non-members.  Enrollment is limited to 12.

Survival Skills Strategies Workshop 2016 (by )

? WHEN: 04/02/2016, 9 am - 4 pm
? WHERE: TBD but will be in Santa Cruz County

Survival Skills Strategies Workshop April 2, 2016

As mushroom foragers we travel off-trail often in steep and remote terrain so this workshop is designed to introduce participants to survival tactics that might save their lives if they get lost or stranded on a foray.  Besides, it’s also just plain fun.


This class will be limited to FFSC members at first.  Last year this workshop filled within hours.  If it doesn't fill, the enrollment will be extended to non-members.  Enrollment is limited to 18.

