Compiled by our attending Science Officer, Thea Chesney
This past weekend in Albion was great, though a tad rainy on Saturday afternoon. Mushrooms were out, very high diversity - enough to keep everyone entertained, and me and several others busy in the lab! In keeping with this late-to-start and weird season (what season isn't weird though?) and the warmer temperatures and continued rains of the last few weeks, we had a higher species count than Albion I, or any fungus fair in California except Humboldt this season, as far as I know.
I have several folks to thank for making this scientific effort possible. Douglas Smith has been keeping the master species list for the Albion forays, and he helped a lot with identification and collected interesting things to add to the list. Peter Vahlberg also helped with identification and brought in some weird, cool specimens, and Chad Hyatt did a lot of sorting and ID work too. It's always better to have several minds working together on this!
And as far as sheer volume of mushrooms and number of species collected goes, Dora Panayotova, who came up to Albion early, blew everyone else's efforts out of the water. Her observations are on iNaturalist, as are mine, Douglas' and Peter's, and some from other folks as well. We don't have names for everything, but we did come up with 238 species, listed below. Cheers, and thanks for a wonderful weekend, everybody!
Genus | specific epithet | notes/common names |
Agaricus | californicus | phenolic |
Agaricus | diminutivus | tiny, almondy |
Agaricus | hondensis | phenolic |
Agaricus | subrutilescens | mild odor |
Agaricus | xanthodermus | phenolic |
Alboleptonia | adnatifolia | |
Aleuria | aurantia | orange peel |
Amanita | augusta | yellow-veiled |
Amanita | calyptroderma | coccora |
Amanita | constricta | grisette |
Amanita | muscaria | |
Annulohypoxylon | thouarsianum | cramp balls |
Ascocoryne | sarcoides | pink asco jelly |
Aureoboletus | mirabilis | admirable bolete |
Auriscalpium | vulgare | earpick |
Bulgaria | inquinans | black asco jelly |
Callistosporium | luteo-olivaceum | |
Calocera | viscosa | jelly coral |
Calocybe | onychina | dull purple cap and stipe, yellow gills - uncommon on the coast |
Cantharellus | formosus | golden chanterelle |
Cantharellus | subalbidus | white chanterelle |
Caulorhiza | umbonata | redwood rooter |
Chlorociboria | sp. | blue-green cups, and blue stain in wood |
Chroogomphus | ochraceus | probable parasite on Suillus fuscotomentosus |
Chroogomphus | tomentosus | probable parasite on Aureoboletus mirabilis |
Chroogomphus | sp. | probable parasite on Suillus umbonatus, slender fruitbodies |
Clavaria | fragilis | fairy fingers |
Clavaria | fumosa? | gray |
Clavariadelphus | sp. red | olive-yellow in KOH, golden yellow after a few minutes |
Clavulina | coralloides (cristata) group | white coral, very fine tips |
Clavulina | rugosa | white coral, small, rounded/blunt tips |
Clavulinopsis | corniculata | dull yellow, few-branched clubs |
Clavulinopsis | laeticolor | little, brilliant golden yellow clubs |
Clitocybe | fragrans | anise scent, pale beige-tan color |
Clitocybe | nebularis | big, gray-white, stinky |
Clitocybe | nuda | blewit |
Clitocybe | sclerotoidea | clustered with mass of tissue at base of stipes from parasitized Helvella vespertina |
Coprinellus | micaceus group | fragile, brown inky cap |
Cortinarius | californicus | bright red Telamonia |
Cortinarius | cinnamomeus grp. | orange-gilled Dermocybe |
Cortinarius | cisqhale | dull brown Telamonia with grayish stipe and white band of veil remnants around cap margin |
Cortinarius | infractus | large, gray-brown cap |
Cortinarius | rubicundulus | reddish staining |
Cortinarius | smithii | red-gilled, red-capped Dermocybe |
Cortinarius | superbus | large, slimy olive-tan cap, green-corn odor |
Cortinarius | traganus | purple exterior, orange-brown flesh, sweet odor |
Cortinarius | vanduzerensis group | slimy-wrinkled brown cap, slimy purple stipe |
Cortinarius | vibratilis | small, pale brown species with extremely bitter-tasting cap |
Craterellus | calicornucopioides | black trumpet |
Craterellus | tubaeformis | yellowfoot |
Crucibulum | crucibuliforme | bird's nest |
Cuphophyllus | graveolens | paler than C. pratensis |
Cuphophyllus | pratensis | chanterelle-like at a glance, but with true gills |
Cuphophyllus | russocoriaceus | cedar-smelling white waxy cap |
Dacrymyces | chrysospermus | orange jelly on conifers |
Deconica | inquilina | |
Dendrocollybia | racemosa | small, with side-branches |
Entocybe | trachyospora | beautiful silvery-blue stipe |
Entoloma | ferruginans group | large, bleach-smelling |
Entoloma | medianox | midnight blue colors, robust |
Entoloma | rhodopolium group | pale caps, tall stature, moderate size |
Entoloma | sp. | probably a few |
Fomitopsis | ochracea | |
Fomitopsis | pinicola group | |
Galerina | badipes | |
Galerina | marginata | Deadly Galerina, on wood |
Galerina | semilanceata | in moss |
Galerina | vittiformis | in moss |
Ganoderma | oregonense | |
Geastrum | saccatum | earth star |
Gliophorus | laetus | |
Gliophorus | psittacinus | parrot mushroom |
Gomphidius | oregonensis | Hideous Gomphidius, probable parasite on Suillus caerulescens |
Gomphidius | subroseus | pink-capped, probable parasite on Suillus lakei |
Gomphus | clavatus | pig's ear, violet chanterelle - basically a Ramaria |
Gymnopilus | sapineus group | |
Gymnopus | androsaceus | tiny, wiry stipe, on conifer litter |
Gymnopus | quercophilus | tiny, wiry stipe, on tanoak leaves |
Hebeloma | velutipes | |
Helvella | vespertina | black/gray fluted elfin saddle with conifers |
Hydnellum | aurantiacum | |
Hydnellum | peckii | |
Hydnum | oregonensis | belly-button hedgehog |
Hydnum | repandum group | larger hedgehogs, not sure which of the (new) species in this group they were |
Hygrocybe | acutoconica | like H. singeri/conica group but no black staining |
Hygrocybe | laetissima | |
Hygrocybe | punicea | |
Hygrocybe | singeri | witch's hat, black staining |
Hygrophoropsis | aurantiaca | false chanterelle |
Hygrophorus | bakerensis | almond scented |
Hygrophorus | chrysodon | golden granules |
Hygrophorus | eburneus | cowboy's handkerchief (very slimy!) |
Hygrophorus | pudorinus | pale pinkish with yellow bases |
Hygrophorus | russula | pinkish/reddish spotted, stout |
Hygrophorus | siccipes | H. hypothejus group |
Hypholoma | capnoides | |
Hypholoma | fasciculare | sulfur tuft |
Hypomyces | cervinigenus | mold on Helvella vespertina |
Hypomyces | chrysospermum | bolete mold |
Inocybe | cinnamomea | |
Inocybe | fuscodisca | |
Inocybe | geophylla | |
Inocybe | lilacina | |
Inocybe | pudica | blushing pink |
Jahnoporus | hirtus | |
Laccaria | amethysteo-occidentalis | |
Laccaria | bicolor | |
Laccaria | laccata | |
Lacrymaria | velutina | |
Lactarius | aestivus | brilliant orange |
Lactarius | alnicola | |
Lactarius | argillaceifolius var. megacarpus | |
Lactarius | californiensis | purple-staining |
Lactarius | kauffmanii | |
Lactarius | pseudomucidus | |
Lactarius | rubidus | candy cap |
Lactarius | rubrilacteus | red latex, with Douglas-fir |
Lactarius | rufus | |
Lactarius | scrobiculatus | wooly margin, yellow-staining latex, robust size |
Lactarius | subvillosus | like L. alnicola, but has a wooly cap margin |
Lactarius | subviscidus | candy cap lookalike |
Lactarius | xanthogalactus | yellow-staining latex |
Leccinum | manzanitae | or another Leccinum… |
Lentinellus | ursinus group | |
Leotia | lubrica | jelly babies |
Lepiota | atrodisca | |
Lepiota | castanea | |
Lepiota | magnispora | |
Leptonia | carnea | cobalt blue |
Leptonia | sp. | a few different ones |
Leucogaster | rubescens | truffle with red exterior that produces latex (it's a Lactarius relative) |
Leucopaxillus | gentianeus | pancake mushroom/bitter brown Leucopax |
Lichenompalia | umbellifera | |
Lycoperdon | pratense | |
Lycoperdon | pyriforme | |
Lycoperdum | umbrinum | |
Lyophyllum | decastes group | |
Lyophyllum | semitale | blackening Lyophyllum |
Marasmiellus | candidus | |
Marasmius | calhouniae | |
Marasmius | plicatilus | |
Melanoleuca | melaleuca | |
Mycena | aurantiomarginata | orange gill margins |
Mycena | galericulata | |
Mycena | haematopus | bleeding, with fringed margin, on wood |
Mycena | oregonensis | brilliant orange, tiny |
Mycena | pura | |
Mycena | purpureofusca | |
Mycena | sanguinolenta | bleeding, on conifer litter |
Neolentinus | kauffmanii | on Sitka spruce stump |
Nidularia | candida | bird's nest |
Nolanea | bicoloripes | very slender, with pointed-umbonate cap and cartilaginous stipe |
Otidea | onotica | |
Paralepista | flaccida | |
Peziza | sp. | |
Phaeoclavulina | abietina | |
Phaeocollybia | attenuata | |
Phaeolus | schweinitzii | dyer's polypore |
Phaeotremella | frondosa | brown jelly/witches' butter |
Phellodon | atratus | |
Pholiota | flammans | |
Pholiota | terrestris | |
Pholiota | velaglutinosa | |
Phylloporus | arenicola | gilled bolete - essentially a Xerocomus |
Phyllotopsis | nidulans | mock oyster |
Plectania | milleri | |
Pleurotus | ostreatus | oyster |
Pluteus | exilis | |
Pluteus | leoninus | beautiful velvety-plush golden brown cap |
Polyporus | badius | |
Polyporus | leptocephalus | |
Postia | caesia | |
Postia | fragilis | |
Psathyrella | piluliformis | |
Psathyrella | spadicea | |
Pseudobaeospora | deckeri | small deep-purple mushrooms in redwood litter |
Pseudohydnum | gelatinosum | cat's tongue jelly/jelly hogs |
Ramaria | acrisiccescens | |
Ramaria | formosa | |
Ramaria | myceliosa | |
Ramaria | sandaracina var. chondrobasis | |
Ramaria | violaceibrunnescens | |
Ramariopsis | crocea | tiny yellow coral |
Ramariopsis | kunzei grp. | small white coral |
Rhizopogon | parksii | darkening peridium |
Rhodocollybia | butyracea | |
Rhodophana | nittellina | cucumber odor |
Rickenella | fibula | |
Rickenella | swartzii | |
Russula | brevipes | |
Russula | cerolens | |
Russula | cremoricolor | |
Russula | densifolia | |
Russula | fragilis | |
Russula | mendocinensis | |
Russula | nigricans | |
Russula | olivacea | |
Russula | puellaris | |
Russula | rhodocephala | |
Russula | sp. | |
Russula | stuntzii | |
Russula | xerampelina | shrimp Russula |
Sarcodon | squamosus | |
Schizophyllum | commune | split-gill |
Sparassis | radicata | cauliflower |
Stereum | hirsutum | false turkey tail |
Strobilurus | trullisatus | |
Stropharia | ambigua | |
Suillus | brevipes | |
Suillus | caerulescens | |
Suillus | fuscotomentosus | |
Suillus | umbonatus | |
Tapinella | panuoides | |
Tephrocybe | boudieri | |
Thelephora | palmata | |
Trametes | betulina | formerly Lenzites, turkey tail with gills |
Trametes | versicolor | turkey tail |
Tremellodendropsis | tuberosa | small white coral with cartilaginous branches |
Trichaptum | abietinum | |
Trichoderma | pulvinatum | |
Tricholoma | arvernense | |
Tricholoma | atroviolaceum | |
Tricholoma | equestre | man on horseback |
Tricholoma | murrillianum | matsutake |
Tricholoma | pardinum | |
Tricholoma | portentosum | |
Tricholoma | saponaceum | gray form and green form, plus var. squamosum |
Tricholoma | saponaceum var. squamosum | dark scales on stipe |
Tricholoma | virgatum | |
Tricholoma | zelleri | or T. focale if you prefer - big, orange/green/gray, with veil |
Tricholomopsis | rutilans | plums and custard |
Tubaria | furfuracea | |
Turbinellus | floccosus | wooly/scaly chanterelle - a Ramaria, really |
Tyromyces | chioneus | |
Urnula | padeniana | |
Xerocomellus | atropurpureus | what we used to call X. zelleri - the more widespread species in CA |
Xerocomus | subtomentosus | |
Xylaria | hypoxylon |