2019 FFSC Spring Morel Foray has been CANCELLED
Our foray has been cancelled due to Tree Hazards
Our spring foray in the Sierras has been scheduled. This camping foray takes place in the Sierras and traditionally takes place in May, or as soon as the snow has melted. For this reason the date is somewhat flexible, so stay tuned for updates. However you must be a member to see the details and date.
It is definitely worth the trip! Edibles found include morels, Spring King boletes, and often Coccoras. The campground? A river runs through it. If this isn’t enough, we enjoy the harbingers of spring and morels: the beautiful white flowers of the Western Dogwood, Cornus nuttallii and the stunning red spikes of the saprophytic snowplant, Sarcodes sanguinea. Look but don’t pick—snowplants are protected. Learn about them