Local Foray - Quail Hollow Ranch Park (by )
Greetings fellow fungiphiles! The FFSC will be hosting a local foray this Sunday 3/5 at Quail Hollow Ranch Park in Felton. The foray will start at 9:00am and last until about noon. The foray is free and open to the public.
Picking is not usually allowed at the park, however, we've arranged to use the facilities at the ranch house to cook any edibles that we may find, at the end of the foray. While there may not be an abundance of mushrooms, it will be a great opportunity to enjoy the unique biome that is Quail Hollow, and also to observe some of the first spring wildflowers in bloom.
For more information or to sign up, send an email to <http://ffsc.us/e?q=XSlKXE9jY3R2eFhOcFEEYjhyTGV1Tlc-3D_596> or respond to this email.
Happy hunting!
- Cass Fuentes
Minister of Local Forays