Field Report on Soquel Demo Forest Foray, 1/3/15 (by )
We had a great foray last Saturday at the Soquel Demonstration Forest! Although there was frost on the ground, the weather was beautiful and the Black Trumpets were virtually everywhere! Everyone who attended went home with some Craterellus cornucopioides.
Also spotted were beautiful Waxy Caps (Hygrocybe flavescens and coccinea), various Ramarias, Black Elfin Saddles (Helvella dryophila group), and Gyromitras (infula?), to name just a few. Below is a link to some of the photos.
http://FFSC Soquel Demo Forest Foray, 1.3.15
A big thanks to the all the great folks who participated!
- Cass Fuentes
Minister of Local Forays