Soquel State Demonstration Forest Permits 2014

Representatives of the Soquel Demonstration State Forest be on hand our upcoming General Meeting at the Harvey West Scout House on October 22, 2014 ( a week later than our usual meeting date). An update on current activities within the Forest will be provided and collecting permits for the upcoming season will be issued.

We are incredibly fortunate to have this collecting resource available to us. The SDF appreciates our help in updating their current species list, which you'll find on the back of your permit. Should you find and solidly identify a mushroom not listed (well done!), please share your information and appreciation by notifying either the SDF office or our Local Forays Minister so it can be updated.

A separate (and free) permit is required for our local Soquel State Demo Forest. Staff kindly comes once a year to save us the trouble of slogging up Old San Jose Road. They will be at the 10/22 FFSC meeting, by email, or by going to the CalFire/SDF office, contact info found below.

Happy hunting, and may the rains be good this year!

