Mycopigments Workshop (by )
Twenty-one color-obsessed fiber fanatics spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon at Alissa Allen's Mycopigments Workshop on 2/1/14. Using mushroom and lichen dyes, she helped us coax a rainbow of color from fungus onto wool in a full ROYGBIV array! There was much ooohhhing and aaaahhhing as reds, oranges, blues and greens were fished from their respective flasks, with highest accolades reserved for the lichen-based purple (like Concord grape juice!). While the wool steeped, participants utilized Shibori techniques to dye some pretty spectacular silk chiffon scarves and other small items. Alissa answered all of our questions and more, leaving the group energized and ready to create on our own.Thank you, Alissa!
This was our second annual dye workshop, and we look forward to hosting another in the spring of 2015.