All Events

September 2024 General Meeting - Noah Siegel "Cascadia — A Fungal Paradise"

? WHEN: 09/18/2024, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park

Please help us kick off the fall mushroom season with our September meeting at the Harvey West Scout House. 

The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles before the main meeting. Feel free to bring additional snacks to share and help us celebrate the start of the 40th Anniversary Year of the Fungus Federation of Santa Cruz...

May 2024 General Meeting -Britt Bunyard "Tales of Weird and Fun Fungi"

? WHEN: 05/08/2024, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park

Note the  date: Our meeting will be held one week earlier than usual for this for month only.

The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles before the main meeting. Business and announcements will start at 7:00 pm...

Local Foray-event full (by )

? WHEN: 03/03/2024, 9 am - 12 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz

We have had quite a bit more rain, so let's get together to survey our local fields and forests! We will be meeting in the Santa Cruz area. The exact location and more instructions will be sent out to participants a couple of days before the foray. This walk will concentrate on enjoying and learning a bit about some of our local mushrooms. We will do our best to identify our fungal finds, answer questions, and share knowledge...

2024 Mushroom ID Class - for Members Only (by )

? WHEN: 03/02/2024, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
? WHERE: London Nelson Community Center

Class Full

The Fungus Federation will be giving a mushroom identification class, taught by our Science Advisor, Phil Carpenter. This course is for students with a serious interest in learning how to ID mushrooms and you will only get as much out of the class as the effort you put in...

February 2024 General Meeting - Alison Pollack, "The Magical and Marvelous World of Myxomycetes"

? WHEN: 02/21/2024, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park
my mix of myxomycetes

The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles before the main meeting. Business and announcements will start at 7:00 pm...

January 2024 General Meeting -Melany Kahn, " Engage Children with Mushroom Foraying in a Safe and Fun Way"

? WHEN: 01/17/2024, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park
Melany with basket

The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles before the main meeting. Business and announcements will start at 7:00 pm...

