2019 September General Meeting: Dr. Kabir Peay - Mt. Vision Fire in Point Reyes of 1997
At last, the FFSC Mushroom season begins again. Join us for our first meeting of 2019/2020 season.
- You will hear reports about forays and findings in recent weeks
- What to expect in weeks and months to come;
- Upcoming local and long distance forays
- And more!
Our speaker for September is Dr. Kabir Peay from Stanford University. Kabir did his doctoral studies At UC Berkeley and now heads a highly regarded mycological research program at Stanford.
Please join us for our General Meeting at the Harvey West Scout House. Refreshments will be provided and informal mushroom ID from 6:30 - 7:00 PM
A discussion of upcoming events will precede our speaker. Over more than 20 years, Kabir has research the plant and mycological succession following the devastating Mt. Vision fire in Pt. Reyes in 1997. He will present an overview of his most recent and his historical observations about an area that is near and dear to many FFSC partisans. He will discuss other current research from the Peay Lab at Stanford. Dr. Kabir Peay completed a master's degree at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science (F&ES) and PhD from UC Berkeley's Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM), where he worked with Matteo Garbelotto and Tom Burns. He has a fairly broad training in ecology and mycology, although his primary research focus has been community ecology. He encourages people in his lab to use a wide range of experimental approaches and technical tools, such as remote sensing, stable isotopes, gas exchange analysis and molecular genetics to study a number of ecological topics. In his research, he works across multiple spatial scales and a broad range of experimental settings, from microcosm bioassays to manipulative field experiments and tries whenever possible to pair greenhouse and field studies to provide maximum scientific inference. He works primarily on plant-fungal interactions (specifically mycorrhizal symbiosis) but open to other systems if the techniques and theory used are useful.
Contact: <http://ffsc.us/e?q=VHVOTlQGfWB4LE16dwYRPX0gSGs2TEU-3D_596>