Fungus Fair 2024 - Kids Room

Kids' Room

Girl with Mushroom earrings

Kids art activities at Fungus Fair

Mushroom fun for all ages awaits in the Kids Room: open Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 4:00. There will be opportunities to use all the senses to explore the world of mycology. Observe mushrooms as they are found in nature in our kid friendly environment. Enjoy the creative process of designing mushroom inspired art while learning about fascinating fungi.

Projects are appropriate for all ages and completed works are yours to keep! Set up includes creating personal designs for mushroom pot dyeing, mushroom models with recycled materials, water color painting, button art, rubber stamping, face painting, child friendly reference books, a scavenger hunt, and more.

Debbie Johnson has been doing her ever popular and inspired silk dyeing at the fair since forever!

Dyeing fabric with mushrooms in the Kids Room


Join us Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 4:00 
