January 2022

Virtual Mushroom Identification Class (by )

? WHEN: 10-15, February 2022
? WHERE: Zoom, Zoom Call
Phil Carpenter, lead mycologist

This year’s mushroom identification class will be different from those in the past due to the restrictions placed upon us by the Covid-19 pandemic. We will be conducting the meetings by Zoom, and participants will be expected to find and attempt to identify mushrooms in the time between the two meetings. This class is aimed at students who have a serious interest in learning how to identify mushrooms and are willing to put in the time and effort to learn. The class will consist of two sessions - the first on Thursday, February 10th from 7-8pm, and the second on Monday, February 14th Tuesday, February 15th from 7-9pm. Sign ups for this event will open on Monday, January 31st at 7pm, and will only be available to FFSC members. Please ensure you will be able to attend both sessions before registering for the event.

2021 Albion I species List (by )

In Mendocino, they had had a bit of rain and we found great conditions. In December we were seeing some strange fruitings. Masutake were out in force and we found plenty of hedgehogs. Yellow trumpets and black trumpets were out but still early. Same for chantrelles. Lots of mushrooms to keep all of us happy. Here is the species list as was compiled by Phil Carpenter and help from Doug Smith...

2022 Mycopigments Workshop: Exploring Mushroom Dyes of the Redwood Coast with Alissa Allen (by )

? WHEN: 19-20, March 2022
? WHERE: Norris Center Herbarium, UCSC Campus, Norris Center Herbarium UCSC Campus
A rainbow of mushroom-dyed yarn

Join us on March 19 and 20 for a two-day workshop exploring the intensely beautiful, full spectrum of color that can be obtained from coastal dye fungi. On day one we will take a leisurely walk through the woodlands adjacent to our dye lab, looking for fungal specimens. We'll talk about the role fungi play in forest ecology, how to spot ideal mushroom and lichen habitats and how to test for dye potential. After a picnic lunch, we will put our lessons to practice and test a couple of species to determine their dyeability and the best route to color. On day two we will work in-depth with a dozen or so local species, using developed recipes to achieve brilliant, colorfast results. At the end of this weekend-long workshop, you will have the experience and resources you need to carry on your own experiments at home.

All supplies provided: You needn’t bring any supplies to class; wool samples and silk scarves will be provided. You will receive a complimentary silk scarf to practice a demonstrated dye resist technique.

Take home: In this class you will learn about mushroom safety, identification basics, and habitats. You will also learn about the importance of ethical harvest, especially pertaining to lichen dyes. At the end of the day you will take home a detailed recipe card, showcasing a rainbow of samples dyed in class; a beautiful hand dyed scarf; a procedural handout to guide your future exploration, and a customized guide to the best local dye fungi.


