2025 Wine & Mushroom Fest (by )

? WHEN: 04/12/2025, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
? WHERE: Scott Valley Community Center, 360 Kings Village Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Our matchless co-op event with several Santa Cruz Mountain appellation wineries will again take place at the Scotts Valley Community Center. Big thanks to Culinary Minister Bob Wynn and Jeff Emery of Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard/Quinta Cruz for making the arrangements. The mushrooming crowd brings appetizers, finger food and desserts, mostly containing mushrooms...

March 2025 General Meeting - Brian Perry “Working with Microscope to Observe and ID Fungi"

? WHEN: 03/19/2025, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park

The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles. Bring in any mushrooms you would like to share or to have identified before the meeting. Business and announcements will start at 7:00 pm. After the business part of the meeting, Brian Perry will give the evening's presentation...

February 2025 General Meeting - John Mizell “Basic Wilderness Preparedness”

? WHEN: 02/19/2025, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park

The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles before the main meeting. Business and announcements will start at 7:00 pm. After the business part of the meeting, John Mizell will give a presentation on:

Basic Wilderness Preparedness with an Introduction to Search and Rescue

2025 Mushroom ID Class - for Members Only (by )

? WHEN: 02/08/2025, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz

The Fungus Federation will be giving a mushroom identification class, taught by our Science Advisor, Phil Carpenter. This course is for students with a serious interest in learning how to ID mushrooms and you will only get as much out of the class as the effort you put in. This one day class will not turn you into an instant mushroom expert, nor enable you to effortlessly identify every mushroom in the forest.  Rather it will give you an introduction to a systematic approach for identifying your finds and give you a foundation you can build your ID skills on.

January 2025 General Meeting - Christian Schwarz "Fungi of New Zealand: The Ecology of a Young Land"

? WHEN: 01/15/2025, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Clubhouse at Harvey West Park

Please join us for our January general meeting. The evening will start at 6:30 pm for those who would like to socialize, snack on Bob Wynn's fantastic spread and chat with fellow mycophiles before the main meeting. Business and announcements will start at 7:00 pm...

2025 FFSC After-Hours Dinner

? WHEN: 01/10/2025, 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: London Nelson Community Center (Room #3), 301 Center St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Chad plating food

Enjoy an amazing multi-course mushroom and wine feast with a group of like-minded fungiphiles.

Celebrate the presentation of the 2025 Santa Cruz Fungus Fair

2025 Albion II Foray - January (by )

? WHEN: 17-20, January 2025
? WHERE: Albion Field Station, Albion Field Station, 34100 Albion Street Albion, CA 95410

Join us for the both Saturday foray and our fabulous Saturday night potluck. You must be a FFSC member for you and your family to attend.  

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is located just one mile from the seashore, eight miles south of Mendocino, and 28 miles from a state forest, and 60 miles from Salt Point in the valley of an old lumber camp on the Albion River, it has welcomed students and visitors with its rustic charm since 1947. The Albion Retreat and Learning Center is owned and operated by Pacific Union College. All guests have access to the cafeteria, kitchen, laboratory and classroom.  The Mendocino Coast is a bountiful haven for fungal species in any season. The Albion foray focuses on a wide range of fungi, with edibles including boletes, chanterelles, candy caps, matsutake and hedgehogs. 

The Albion Retreat and Learning Center features heated private cabins with private baths and a large dining hall with a commercial kitchen which is available to all our guests. The center serves as our hub and we utilize the kitchen for meals and our famous Saturday night potluck. Additional information regarding the Albion Retreat and Learning Center can be found at https://www.puc.edu/about-puc/albion-field-station.

Local Foray (by )

? WHEN: 12/07/2024, 9 am - 12 pm
? WHERE: Santa Cruz

With the recent rains our local season has finally kicked off so let's get together to survey our local fields and forests! We will be meeting in the Santa Cruz area. The exact location and more instructions will be sent out to participants a couple of days before the foray. This walk will concentrate on enjoying and learning a bit about some of our local mushrooms. We will do our best to identify our fungal finds, answer questions, and share knowledge...

