2023 Albion 1 Saturday Day Pass


Albion Saturday Foray Pass (Only members can purchase this)
No need to purchase this if you already booked: cabin, dorm, or RV

Book a space to join us on our Saturday adventures if you are not lodging at Albion.  (Please Note: No refunds for this purchase if you cancel)

Masks are recommended in the shared building spaces.  

Join us at Albion in the cafeteria at 8:30 AM.  Attend our morning foray, join us our Potluck starting at 5, and get a run down of the mushrooms we found that day in the evening.

To book the SAT space, click the Add to Cart button at the bottom of this pageAdd the reservation to your shopping cart and check out. 

The Long Distance Foray Minister, will then send you a confirmation email with more details.

CLOSED We are sorry, but it looks like the sales are closed already. You may contact the "2023 Albion 1 Saturday Day Pass" administrator if you would like to be on a list for potential cancellations.