2015 Alaska Foray Report (by )

Our 2015 group at Exit Glacier Please forgive my musings. Folks have asked how was it?  "It" being the long distance foray up in the Kenai Pennisula in Alaska. Well, this is my 3rd trip, so that pretty much sums it up. It is alway fanastic and I keep swearing this the LAST one, but 2016 is just around the corner. Oh yeah as long as Bill White offers our club this "Deal of a Lifetime", how can I say NO.

Echo Summit 2015 Foray Report (by Anna Stockel)

Lisa finds a Reishi
Another great Echo Summit Foray is in the history books.
Sadly, the weather has been so warm and dry this year that despite spreading out and searching a wide area, including the tried and true locations near the still flowing creeks, no one found any edible Boletus.
Happily, we had a great time anyway.  Those of us looking for Ganoderma tsugae found as many very fresh, moist ones as we wanted...

Fair Meeting (by invitation only)

? WHEN: 08/30/2015, 1-3 pm
? WHERE: Phil and Margaret Carpenter home (by invite only)

Hope everyone is having a great summer!  It is time to start getting the details for the Fair finalized, or at least under way.

Be prepared to present any ideas, issues, etc. that need to be talked about and hopefully solved.

If you want to help out, please contact Marje.   We love to get fresh ideas and bodies.  

2015 Foragers' Feast (by )

? WHEN: 10/03/2015, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
? WHERE: Scotts Valley Senior Center, 370 King's Village Road, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Wine glasses toasting

Fall is coming up — shall we celebrate a new, season, and may it please be a wet one? Chef Bob Wynn, Forager-in-Chief Sue Labiste and the FFSC Culinary committee are cooking up a truly wild event this year featuring foraged foods. Wild mushrooms will be complemented by an array of indigenous foods, thanks to our intrepid foragers, preppers and planners Bob, Sue, Fred Molnar, Cat Gunderson, Bill and Annie Lang,  Margaret Carpenter and Debbie Johnson. Be sure to sign up early, as these dinners usually sell out. The menu can be found below.

Mushroom Tour - Mexico 2015 (Non FFSC)

? WHEN: 06-09, August 2015
? WHERE: Gorda Biosphere Reserve
Sierra Gorda

Allan Rockerfeller will be leading a mushroom tour in Queretaro, Mexico Aug 6 - 9, 2015.   Queretaro is a really nice place with diverse mushroom habitats, and this tour is unique in that I am not getting paid - all profits go towards saving the forests in the Sierra Gorda Ecological Reserve. 

This is not an FFSC event...

