2015 Albion I RV Space


Albion I Foray Friday December 4 – Sunday December 6

Book one RV space

Want to stay at Albion in the comfort of your RV? The Albion Field Station has a number of RV spaces with hookups available for rental. Cost is $60 for the weekend. NOTE: As the access road is fairly narrow and curvy, and can be icy, this option is best for smaller motor homes.  The recommended size is 30' or smaller.   The largest to have navigated down the winding narrow road has been 38' but you must be a very good RV driver.

To book an RV space, click the Add to Cart button at the bottom of this pageAdd the reservation to your shopping cart and check out. The Long Distance Foray Minister, will then send you a confirmation email.

Important - what to bring:

Please print your order summary and bring with you to the foray. Bring bedding, towels, food for your meals and a dish to share at the Saturday potluck. Also bring rain gear, footwear and layered clothing for all possible weather experiences, and, of course, your basket and collecting gear. Give a second thought to bringing firearms, tobacco, alcohol and dogs, as the Albion Field Station is an Adventist facility. If you would like to carpool, send an email to that effect to <http://ffsc.us/e?q=QTctS3V1FHxmejl8ck91ZHM-2BK1dbc2I5Qg-3D-3D_596> for dispersal to the membership.

Map to Albion Field Station

Go back to the main foray page.

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